5 Money-Making Action Tasks to Grow Your Business

5 Money-Making Action Tasks to Grow Your Business

Inaction is the death of any business. Without taking regular action every single day to grow your business, inaction will cause your business to become stagnant. Clients will disappear, your sales funnel will be empty, and your revenue will dip to zero in a heartbeat.

Let’s avoid this scenario! Here are five action tasks that will lead to increased income and business growth.


Contrary to popular belief, email marketing is NOT dead. Email is the easiest way to stay in touch with customers and prospects to let them know about your new offerings or to recommend an affiliate product which pays you a commission.


You will never please everyone but you may as well try your best. Inevitably customers will contact you with questions or refund requests so be prepared to answer these requests in a timely manner. Stick to your rules about refunds but never disregard or disrespect a customer. Negative online reviews are easier to find than positive ones.


When was your last rate increase? Are your prices competitive with the current market of coaches of your caliber? Can your ideal client still afford your new rates? Be confident that your expertise is worth that new rate and break the new carefully to your current clientele so they don’t jump ship.


Don’t reinvent the wheel. Simply take your older content – books, programs, blog posts, etc. – and create new bundles or create an entirely new product. The information or products should obviously be related in topic to appeal to the most people and be sure to price it accordingly.


People buy from those they know, like, and trust, so open up that old client list and create an exclusive offer just for them. Make the offer sexy, exclusive, and time-sensitive to get quick action results.

How Do I Know What to Offer?

This is an age-old question of many coaches and business owners and it boils down to knowing your target audience. How do they want their information presented? What are the hot topics in their industry? What struggles do they have every day? The simplest way to know what they want is to simply ask them.

Another reason coaches don’t know what to offer is because they don’t have a plan, either for their business or who they want to help. Writing a business plan with action steps is imperative for business growth and I’m presenting a very in-depth workshop on this very topic.

“Your 12 Month Marketing Calendar: Plan Your Programs, Content, and Promotions for the Entire Year!” contains four modules filled with actionable steps anyone can implement. At the end of the modules you will have a completed 12-month calendar with all your programs, content, and promotions listed along with the action steps necessary to produce it all. If you want to leverage your business to the next level, follow this link JOIN THE ACADEMY NOW !